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IC是Industry Canada的英文缩写,是加拿大工业部规定的模拟和数字终端设备的检测标准,它规定,进口电子产品通过的有关EMC的认证。因此IC认证是电子电器产品进入加拿大市场的通行证。我司实验室科完成大多数电器产品的IC认证,为客户产品快速取得IC认证提供桥梁!1
熊小姐 vx
加拿大工业部(Industry Canada)对进入加拿大市场的电子产品要求进行IC认证,加拿大电磁兼容认证标准
ICES-001:Industrial, Scientific and Medical Radio Frequency Generators
ICES-003:Interference-Causing Equipment Standards-Digital Apparatus
如ICES003:ITE:产品及电脑周边办公设备等, IC RSS Series低功率无线射频产品. 如:RSS 210,适用产品:无线鼠标和键盘、无线遥控玩具以及各种低功率无线射频产品,CS03(电信终端产品PSTN)
IC (Industrial Canada):加拿大工业部对电子电器产品EMC、Telecom无线产品,通信产品等方面的认证要求。
熊小姐 vx
1.管制单位: Industry Canada (简称IC)
2.规范: C.R.C.,c.1374 (Radio Interference Regulation)
ICES-003 (Interference-Causing Equipment Standards)
4.管制方式:接受FCC之Grant;即有FCC DoC或FCC ID即可通关.
5. Label上或Manual内同时标示英、法文叙述如下:
The Class [*] digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulation. Cet appareil numerique de la class [*] respecte toutes les exigences du Reglement sur le materiel brouilleur du Canada .
* : Insert either "A" or "B" but not both are appropriate for the equipment requirements
The whole company of AGC is always devoting to the ideality of Providing Qualified Certification and Committing to First Class Service!
We are rapidly on our way to the goal by serving for the clients'need all along and relying on the experienced professional personnel, advanced testing instruments and scientifically management.
As a full independent third party organization aided to testing and Certification service, AGC works with the guidance of the ISO 17025 and cooperates with UL, TUV, Nemko, EMCC and lots of other international certification body for provide professional, reliable and one-stop testing and certification service for the public.
Our professionalism, genuineness and efficiency leads to a qualified service
Looking forward to serve for you!
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