SASO验货要求,1)原产地标签 "Made in China" 出现在在产品、标签、内包装、外包装、外箱上,缺一不可。同时,"Made in China"刻或印(不能被擦除或刮除),不接受贴纸。
2)产品的说明书和警告语一定要有阿拉伯语或阿拉伯语和英语双语3)产品、标签(铭牌)、内外包装和外箱上需要产品基本信息:品名、型号、制造商名称(或商标)、Made in China、电压、频率、功率等4)玩具类产品需要在产品、包装和外箱上显示GCC标识以及阿拉伯语的“适用年龄和需由成人监管”这两条警告语5)强制要求频率: 60 HZ, 适用电压: 220 V、380 V6)插头插座的特殊要求:为英式三角插头插座(BS1363)7)证书上需显示制造商名称和地址(如carton上标明了制造商的,COC证书上显示的制造商与其保持一致)--这点是新要求,请注意
箱、洗衣机、家用电热水器、暖风机、液体电热器等电器用品。这是继2009年初开始沙特实行包装原产地注明之后的又一新规定。 沙特是中东的,自2006年起,中国已成为沙特第二大进口贸易伙伴。据了解,沙特各城市都采用较低电压,分为127V
头和插座标准为SASO 2203-2003(220V),使用英式插头;SASO 2204-2003(127V),使用美式插头。
一年,仅需进行现场核查,适用于出口频次较高的企业;三是质量标志证书(QM:Quality Mark)。通过产品型式试验及工厂检查,有效
三是企业应积极与沙特进口商沟通交流,避免造成损失。Saudi Arabia, according to official sources, Saudi Arabia Customs to protect local consumers and national economy,
decided February 23, 2010, the ban does not meet the standard announced earlier SASO power plug and socket import,
and from 2010 April 27, the Saudi Customs will prohibit any failure to provide energy efficiency label the import of
electrical appliances, including air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, household electric water heaters,
heaters, liquid heaters and other electrical supplies. This is the second Saudi Arabia in early 2009 after the
implementation of packaging state of origin is another new requirement.
Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East, since 2006, China has become the second largest import
trading partner of Saudi Arabia. It is understood that the Saudi cities have a lower voltage, divided into 127V
(60Hz) and 220V (50/60Hz) two (Riyadh to 235V), but in the Department of Mecca and industrial areas with a higher
voltage, 220V and 380V two, are all 60Hz. This involves the power plug and socket standards for SASO 2203-2003
(220V), with British plug; SASO 2204-2003 (127V), with American plugs.
Also, according to Saudi Arabia earlier Bureau of Standards (SASO) and the Ministry of Industry (MoCI) the provisions
of the vast majority of Saudi goods imported products comply with the implementation of certification programs (PCP),
requires each batch of goods to the port should be accompanied by Dasha Te a uniform certificate of conformity (CoC),
or they will be refused entry.
The new regulations mainly related to mechanical and electrical products. According to statistics, in 2009 Saudi Law
of Baoan district lost the directory mechanical and electrical products seized a total of 650 batches of the value of
more than 3300 million, involving 118 mechanical and electrical enterprises, the enterprises will be some impact of
Saudi exports, enterprises should pay attention to relevant, timely Response:
First, we must grasp the relevant standards issued by SASO, well in advance the relevant product certification.
Second, exports can be based on the frequency, the flexibility to choose three different ways to get the CoC. First,
compliance verification. Enterprise applications before each shipment before the shipment on-site verification and
testing, the results obtained after passing CoC certificates, suitable for low frequency of annual export business;
Second, a certificate of registration (Registration). By product type testing, valid for one year, only on-site
verification for export enterprises with high frequency; third is the quality mark certificate (QM: Quality Mark). By
product type testing and factory inspection, valid for three years, only data auditing for more frequent or large-
scale exports, focus on quality and reputation of the enterprise.
Third, enterprises should actively communicate with the Saudi importer, to avoid losses. SASO沙特电压与频率是多少?沙特各城市都采用较低电压,分为127伏和220伏(利雅德为235伏)两种,皆为60赫兹; 但在麦加及工业区系采用较高电压,有220伏及
380 伏两种,亦为60赫兹. 一般家庭及办公室同时备有110伏(即指127伏)及220伏两种电插座以供不同电压的电器产品使用,一般而言,
来 电 黄经理:173 1802 3119(同号) 98297 0584