1. Business Registration Certificates 营业执照
2. Floor Plan厂房平面图
3. Environmental Document环保文件
4. Local Minimum Wage Notice当地低工资的新通知
5. Factory regulations, including the policies on working-hour system, overtime compensation and other legal benefits
6. Personnel Files全体员工之入职记录(包括:身份证副本)、全体员工之劳动合同(个人)等
7. Approval on Comprehensive Calculation of Working Hours System (if applicable) or Overtime Waive
8. Payment Receipt of social insurance schemes 社会保险之缴费收据
9. Official testimonials on coverage of social insurance schemes
10. Fire drill records 消防演习记录
11. Injury record 工伤记录
12. Fire Prevention Certification 消防验收合格证
13. MSDS for hazardous substances / chemicals 危险物料安全资料卡
14. Work Permits for special & dangerous operations特种作业之操作证:电工作业、锅炉司炉、压力容器操作、起重机械作业、爆破作业、金属焊接与气割作业、煤矿井下瓦斯检验、机动车辆驾驶、机动船舶驾驶与轮机操作、建筑登高架设作业
15. Safety Certificate ( For elevator/Boiler etc ) 特种设备使用登记证 / 安全检测证明
16. Hygiene Certificate for the canteen in factory 饭堂卫生证
17. Health examination records of canteen workers食堂员工之健康检查证明
18. Health examination records of juvenile workers (aged 16-18)
19. First aid certificates(If applicable) 急救员证书(如果适用)
20. Leave application 请假申报表
21. Attendance records of the most recent consecutive 12 months 近连续12个月之工作时间记录
22. Payroll records related to the above mentioned 12 months’ attendance records
23. Piece Record (if applicable) 计件记录(如适用)
24. Production Records
25. Other Supporting Documentation其它资料
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01 Quality Manual / Quality policy 质量手册 / 质量方针
02 Procedure Documentation 程序文件
03 Process Flow Chart / Assembly Flow Chart 工序流程图 / 装配作业流程图
04 Business / Factory Registration 营业执照
05 Organization Chart 人事架构图
06 ISO9000 / ISO14000 Certificate ISO9001 / ISO14001 证书
07 Supplier/Subcontractor Assessment Procedure / Records 供应商/ 外发厂评价程序/ 记录
08 Orders Processing Procedure 订单处理流程
09 Raw Materials in/out Record 物料进销存帐
10 Quality Control Instructions 检验指引(来料/ 过程/ 成品)
11 Defect Classification 疵点分类(物料/ 成品)
12 Production Plan & Daily Production Record 生产计划及生产日报表
13 Inspection Record (IQC / IPQC / FQC / OQC )H-CN; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-fareast-font-family: 宋体"> 检验报告 ( 来料 / 过程 / 成品)
14 Tooling Test Record 试模记录
15 Pilot Sample Inspection Record 首件检验记录
16 Mass Production Authorization Documents 生产通知单
17 Design & Development Procedure (verification, change) 设计与开发相关程序H-CN; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-fareast-font-family: 宋体"> (验证,更改等)
18 Corrective & Preventive Actions Procedure / Records 纠正预防程序/ 记录
19 Defective Product Evaluation Record 不合格品统计分析记录
20 Reliability Testing Procedure 可靠性测试程序/ 测试作业指导书
21 Product Test Record 产品测试记录(鉴定测试,寿命测试)
22 Product Safety Standard (BS/EN) 产品安全标准 (BS/EN)
23 Measuring Equipment Calibration Certificate & Record 计量仪器校验记录
24 Sharp Tools Control Procedure & Record 利器控制程序及断针记录
25 Sharp Tools Losing Investigation Procedure 利器丢失调查程序
26 Daily Issuance & Return of Sharp Tools Record 利器日常收发记录
27 Training Plan & Record (QC / workers )H-CN; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-fareast-font-family: 宋体"> 培训计划/ 记录(Q.C/ 喷油工人)
28 QC Certification (Effectiveness Evaluation of Training) QC 上岗证或培训效果评估
29 Subcontracting Semi-product Inspection Record 外发加工检验记录
30 Non-conforming Material Record 不合格品记录
31 Rejected Lots Control Procedure & Record 不合格品的控制程序及记录
32 Reworked Lots Re-inspection Records 不合格品重验记录
33 Machine & Equipment List 机器设备及仪器清单
34 Machine Repair & Maintenance Plan /Record 机器维修及保养计划/ 记录(日常/ 周期保养)
35 Pest Control Procedure & Report 防虫计划及记录
36 Job Specifications 岗位职责
37 Factory Regulation 厂规