服务项目 |
苏州硅胶UL认证,无锡硅胶UL认证,昆山硅胶UL认证,深圳硅胶UL认证 |
面向地区 |
行业类型 |
其它 |
工业品 |
家用电器 |
原材料 |
化工原料 |
Materials may be classified based on burning tests conducted in accordance with ANSI/UL 94, "Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances," ANSI/UL 1694, "Tests for Flammability of Small Polymeric Component Materials," and ANSI/UL 723, "Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials."
ANSI/UL 94 small-scale test data does not pertain to building materials, furnishings and related contents, and is intended solely for determining the flammability of plastic materials used in the components and parts of end-use-product devices and appliances, where the acceptability of the combination is determined by UL.
Horizontal Burning Test
20 mm Vertical Burning Test Thin Material Vertical Burning Test Horizontal Burning Foamed Material Test
500 Watt (125 mm) Vertical Test
Flame Rating Hierarchy — V-0 VTM-0 — More Severe 5VA
— V-1 VTM-1 HF-1 ↑
— V-2 VTM-2 HF-2 5VB
HB — — HBF Less Severe
Thermal Endurance
The materials covered by this program have been investigated with respect to thermal endurance of certain critical properties. The investigation was performed as part of a long-term thermal-aging program or based on historical record in accordance with ANSI/UL 746B, "Polymeric Materials - Long Term Property Evaluations." The temperature below which a class of critical property will not be unacceptably compromised through chemical thermal degradation, over the reasonable life of an electrical product (relative to a reference material having a confirmed, acceptable corresponding performance) is defined as the Relative Thermal Index (RTI). More than one RTI may be appropriate for a given material depending on the property requirements for a given application. In certain cases, higher temperatures are permitted if so specified by the end-use-product standard.
RTI Elec — Electrical RTI, associated with critical insulating properties.
RTI Mech Imp — Mechanical Impact RTI, associated with critical impact resistance, toughness, elongation and flexibility properties.
RTI Mech Str — Mechanical Strength (Mechanical without Impact) RTI, associated with critical mechanical strength and structural integrity where impact resistance, resilience and flexibility may not be essential.
Resistance to Ignition and Tracking Properties
Performance may be investigated with respect to electrical track resistance, ability to resist ignition from electrical sources, and other electrical properties. In order to avoid an excessive level of implied precision and bias, material performances for several tests are recorded as Performance Level Categories (PLC), based on the mean test results (rather than recording the exact numerical results), as indicated in the table following the test description.
Hot-wire Ignition (HWI; ASTM D3874, IEC 60695-2-20) — Performance is expressed as the mean number of seconds needed to ignite standard specimens (if the material ignited). An HWI PLC 0 may be due to all the test specimens melting away without any ignition.
HWI Range
Mean Ignition Time (in sec) Assigned
120 and longer 0
60 through 119 1
30 through 59 2
15 through 29 3
7 through 14 4
Less than 7 5
High-current-arc Ignition (HAI; ANSI/UL 746A) — Performance is expressed as the number of arc-rupture exposures (standardized as to electrode type and shape and electric circuit) that are necessary to ignite a material when they are applied at a standard rate on the surface of the material.
HAI Range
Mean Number of Arcs
to Cause Ignition Assigned
120 and greater 0
60 through 119 1
30 through 59 2
15 through 29 3
Less than 15 4
High-voltage-arc Tracking Rate (HVTR; ANSI/UL 746A) — Denoted as the rate, in mm/min, that a tracking path can be produced on the surface of the material under standardized test conditions. A notation is made if ignition on the material takes place. The results of testing the nominal 3 mm thickness are considered representative of the material's performance in any thickness.
电子线UL758认证,灯具UL认证,电线电缆UL认证,QMMY2 UL746D注塑件认证,UL969 PGDQ2标签认证,连接器UL认证,灯饰CCC认证,线路板组装VZQC2认证,UL969 PGAA标签认证,UL588圣诞产品认证,软线UL62认证代理,PCBA线路板组装ZPVI2认证,电容UL认证,开关UL认证,网络线UL444认证,锂电池、镍锰电池UL认证,水晶头UL1863认证,导电泡棉UL认证,光伏电缆UL认证,UL817插头认证,ECBT2 UL1997连接器认证,热缩套管UL认证,功率线UL13认证,UL507直流交流风扇认证,UL新RSCS环保认证,阻燃套管UL认证,火灾报警线UL1424认证,UL2089车载充电器认证,UL1059端子台认证,塑胶电镀处理UL认证,光纤UL1651认证,UL355卷线器认证,UL486接线端子认证,UL486接线端子认证 塑胶料QMFZ2认证,UL764线束认证,UL310快接端子认证,UL1446绝缘系统认证,开关VDE认证,各国电线电缆认证,各国插头认证