负责人:欧阳总监 :交流热线: 免费鉴定,国际拍卖,快速出手
Qianlong powder color has a unique feature, that is, the body parts and bottom of the stone green glaze. Songshilv glaze light smooth smooth, glaze face like porridge skin, as a low temperature color glaze, glaze often with small grain. This feature first appeared when Qianlong, has been extended to Wanqing. The pastel pattern of Qianlong official kiln is usually a "inside" drawing, with the subject pattern strictly stipulated at different times of the year. Divided by pastel painting as the main painting, often also add paint color, gold or black, or with the green flower, color, color, and color, this one on a piece of a variety of colours or various painted arts and crafts made of qianlong, can be said to be a combination of a variety of ceramics achievements, fully reflecting the chianlong dynasty porcelain exquisite.
0015 清乾隆 粉彩九桃天球瓶 8,000.00-12,000.00万 9,026.00万 2011-10-05 香港 拍卖结果
0112 清雍正 粉彩过枝福寿双全 4,000.00-6,000.00万 8,980.00万 2015-04-07 香港比 拍卖结果
0307 镂空开光粉彩多福转心瓶 6,800.00-6,800.00万 7,820.00万 2012-12-28 香港 拍卖结果
0091 粉彩开光山水纹双耳瓶 7,000.00-7,000.00万 7,800.00万 2017-05-28 香港 拍卖结果
3097 粉彩八仙如意耳瓶(一对) 3,379.70-6,759.40万 7,700.00万 2015-06-27 香港 拍卖结果
0004 清 粉彩持莲观音坐像 1,200.00-1,200.00万 7,475.00万 2014-11-30 澳门中信 拍卖结果
负责人:欧阳总监 :交流热线:
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