产品别名 |
地面翻新固化,耐磨水泥地面 |
面向地区 |
材质 |
其它 |
特殊用途 |
耐磨抗压,防尘,防渗,防腐蚀 |
地板厚度 |
8mm |
风格 |
工业 |
适用范围 |
工厂、厂房、车间、仓库、商场超市、码头、宿舍、医院、学校,电子、塑胶、五金、模具、医药、食品、制衣、化工等 |
颜色 |
各色 |
Shenzhen Futian plant renovation of the old ground, Fukuda can not afford dust, wear-resistant cement floor
(1)原材料达不到要求。所用水泥标号低或存放日期过久,影响地面的强度和耐磨性;水泥品种选用不当。(应选用硅酸盐 水泥或普通硅酸盐水泥为宜),所用砂子的粒度过细,孔隙率大,拌和时需水量大,水灰比加大,增加了拌合物的泌水性;砂子含泥量大,会影响水泥与砂的粘结 力;骨料的级配不当,即细砂含量较高,造成强度较低,也能引起地面脱砂。
(2)水泥砂浆的水灰比过大,造成了粗骨料沉淀和砂浆析水。水泥砂浆在硬化过程中由于水化反应产生大量的水分要蒸发,形成较多的毛隙孔,降低了砂浆的强度。水灰比过大,延迟了地面的压光时间,造成砂浆泌水,进一步降低地面的表 面强度。实验证明,这也是引起地面脱砂的潜在因素。
(4) 表层收面过早或过迟。水泥砂浆地面收面的目的是使地面密实,表面光滑。收面时间过早,会使砂浆表面泛出一层水,致使水泥砂浆大面积脱皮,砂粒外露,从而降 低了砂浆表面的强度。收面过迟,水泥砂浆已经硬化,不但操作困难,也很难消除面层的毛细孔,而且会破坏已经硬化的表面砂浆结构。
(5)养护时间和 方法不当,是指地面压光后没有适时进行浇水养护。或养护时间少于7天。另外浇水过早会冲淡水泥的胶质,破坏胶结的能力;过迟或不浇水,地面表面层水分蒸发 过快,水泥的水化作用就会受到影响,严重时甚至停止硬化,会使水泥早期脱水粉化,破坏水泥砂浆的强度和抗磨能力。
(7) 管理方面原因。个别企业缺乏施工技术标准和施工工艺操作规程。施工人员素质参差不齐,缺乏基本伦理知识和实践经验。质量控制关键岗位人员缺位。对施工过程 控制不到位,未做到施工按工艺、操作按规程、检查按规范标准;对分项工程施工质量检验批的检查评定流于形式,缺乏实测实量。违背客观规律,盲目缩短工期和 抢工期,盲目降低成本等。思想上不重视,对施工验收规范、设计要求理解不透,或者不知道。对新材料、新工艺、新技术的了解太少,太浅。个别施工人员知识面 狭窄,不全面。工人技术素质不高。存在偷工减料。这些小问题往往容易疏忽,而且把关者不严格,施工管理人员检查时马马虎虎让其通过,留下较大的隐患。
地面起沙处理剂产品说明 起沙处理剂是一种“优固”起灰处理剂,属、无味、弱酸性环保材料,它能深层(3-5mm)渗入到水泥基材微小缝隙中,与水泥基材中的钙元素等碱性物质发生化学反应,在毛细孔中沉淀,形成坚实不能溶解的石胶化合物,从而增强基材表面的硬度和密封性,建立长久超硬类似大理石的保护层。
使用方法:用于新制混凝土地面,一般情况下至少进行3到7天的养护后使用密封固化剂效果更优。在旧混凝土地面上,则打磨平整,修补裂缝破损,清洁干净后才能使用。 分两步进行,先用A料进行增硬处理,再用B料进行耐磨处理即可。
1.基层要求 对于起砂地面进行清扫,无浮灰,保持干燥(可允许潮湿,但不得有明水);裂缝及缺损部位应用修补料修补后,用修补材料行处理。
3.表面干燥后使用B料直接喷洒于经过增硬处理的地面,一遍即可,应均匀饱满,不需养护,24小时后可正常使用. 精工水泥地面起砂处理剂能够处理的地面:
地下车库地坪、室内外工业地坪、展览馆地坪、医院地坪、高速公路服务区地坪、食品厂地坪、肉联厂地坪、糖酒奶厂地坪、冷冻厂地坪、水产物流中心地坪、制药厂地坪、仓库地坪、超市地坪、飞机场地坪、飞机维修库地坪、物流中心地坪、港口地坪、机场跑道地坪、厂房地坪、车库地坪、车间地坪、制药厂地坪、GMP地坪、食品厂地坪、饮料厂地坪、罐头厂地坪、养殖场地坪、冷库地坪、百货市场地坪、农贸市场地坪、批发市场地坪、建材市场地坪、汽车市场地坪、购物中心地坪、修理厂地坪、车站地坪,港口地坪、码头货场地坪、货站地坪、车库地坪、机加工车间地坪、烟厂地坪、仓库地坪 粮库地坪、广场地坪等。
How does the ground remove sand? How does cement ground remove sand to do? What about surface sand removal? Detailed description:
The main reason of ground sand removal:
(1) raw materials fail to meet the requirements. The cement mark is low or the storage date is too long, which affects the strength and wear resistance of the ground. (with Portland cement or ordinary portland cement is appropriate), the particle size is too small, the porosity of sand, mixing water, water cement ratio increase, increase the water mixture; sand mud volume, cohesive force will affect the cement and sand; aggregate gradation is improper, namely high fine sand content, resulting in low strength, can also cause the ground sand.
(2) the water cement ratio of cement mortar is too large, resulting in coarse aggregate precipitation and mortar water separation. During the hardening of cement mortar, a large amount of water is produced by hydration reaction, and more pores are formed to reduce the strength of mortar. The water cement ratio is too large, the delay time of the ground pressure light, caused by mortar bleeding, further reducing the surface strength of the ground. Experiments have proved that this is also a potential factor causing ground sanding.
(3) surface treatment is not proper. When the mortar is thin, liquidity is too large, dry cement surface and in the early repair of the surface layer, it will increase the amount of cement and mortar; too late, has become a plastic trait; resulting in surface layer in no pressure with cement slurry. If the cement surface is uneven or too thick, the phenomenon of sand removal will occur.
(4) surface collection is too early or too late. The purpose of cement mortar ground is to make the floor dense and smooth. When the time is too early, the surface of the mortar will be covered with a layer of water, resulting in a large area of cement mortar peeling and sand exposed, thus reducing the strength of the surface of the mortar. Too late, the cement mortar has hardened, not only difficult to operate, but also difficult to remove the pores of the surface layer, and will destroy the hardened surface mortar structure.
(5) the maintenance time and method are improper, it means that after the ground has been pressed, there is no timely watering and maintenance. Or maintenance time is less than 7 days. In addition water will dilute the early cement colloid, ability to destroy the cementation; too late or not watering the ground surface layer of excessive water evaporation, the hydration of cement will be affected, serious and even stop the hardening of the cement early dehydration pulverization, damage of cement mortar strength and abrasion resistance.
(6) the influence of improper construction operation. When the ground has not reached enough strength, it will begin the construction of the next process, dragging heavy objects on the ground and moving people on it, which will destroy the surface which is not very strong in abrasion.
(7) management reasons. Individual enterprises lack construction technical standards and construction process operating procedures. Construction personnel quality is uneven, lack of basic ethical knowledge and practical experience. Quality control, key posts, absence of personnel. The construction process control is not in place, not achieved construction, according to the process, operation, according to regulations, inspection according to specifications and standards; the sub item construction quality inspection batch of examination and assessment become a mere formality, lack of actual measurement. Violate the objective law, blindly shorten the time limit for the project and the construction period, and reduce the cost blindly. Not pay attention to the ideological, construction acceptance specifications and design requirements can not understand, or do not know. There is too little or too little knowledge of new materials, new processes and new technologies. Individual construction personnel knowledge narrow, incomplete. The technical quality of workers is not high. Jerry built. These small problems are often easy to neglect, and gatekeeper is not strict, construction managers to check so so that through, leaving a greater risk.
(8) early cold exposure. As the surface area of the ground is large, the surface layer is thin, and the heat is emitting rapidly. If the winter construction is not properly maintained, the ground will be frozen and then reduce the compressive strength of the surface mortar, resulting in damage to the structure, resulting in loose particles.
Grey sand run concrete curing agent _ ground ash treatment scheme, excellent solid
The ground running sand concrete run sand treatment offers cement foundry treatment agent agent offers treatment
Dongguan excellent solid floor Co., Ltd. produces and sells cement ground ash treatment agent, which completely solves the problem of sand lifting on cement concrete floor. Now there are some material can be a serious ground repair and new construction of cement sand to the ground like effect, but can not afford the vehicle rolling, the effect will not last long, in the course of time will appear symptoms of ground grey sand, delamination, cracks, holes and other issues. The ground up sand ash treatment agent on the surface of sand ground damage such as potholes, cracks have any repair effect, it can only be hardened low strength cement ground, through hardened grey sand to prevent further deterioration of the cement ground.
Ground dust lifting sand preferred "excellent solid"":
The ground up sand grey preferred ground "solid" treatment principle is: the concrete seal curing agent to fully penetrate into concrete, through reactions with calcium and magnesium ions in concrete, crystalline hard substance, forming a network structure in the three-dimensional space, the increase of gel structure in cement. The curing components in concrete as a whole dense, the gel pore in concrete decreases, plugging the concrete pores, increase the density of the concrete, which makes the concrete surface strength, hardness and wear resistance is greatly improved, dustproof, hard and wear resistant, easy to clean function. Once owned, lifetime benefits.
If you are not wearing ground dust, foundry and other problems, please contact us immediately in Dongguan and solid, we will use our professional knowledge, to provide satisfactory service for you.
Whether concrete ground, hard