Baode Singapore auction auction collection in order to ensure the quality and safety and to ensure the collection of send pictures sent to shoot collections to make the transaction, Shenzhen Baode Auction Co. Ltd. for every piece of the collection of charges of 2-3 million / per piece, the cost is mainly used in the collection in custody and maintenance before making the collection line the investment costs and expenses of the buyer. Charges are not the purpose, the purpose is to clinch a deal!
李可染 1974年作 估价:8000-15000万 成交价:12420万 2012-05-12
李可染 1959年作 估价:2500-3500万 成交价:10752万 2010-11-22
李可染 1976年作 估价:600-800万 成交价:8412万 2013-11-25
李可染 齐白石 牧牛图估价:800-1200万 成交价:7751万 2011-12-16
李可染 革命韶山 估价:4500-6000万 成交价:6842.5万 2012-01-07
李可染 启功 人物故事估价:2600-3800万 成交价:6000万 2010-12-26
在山水画方面,李可染主张“可贵者胆,所要者魂”、“用大的功力大进去,用大的勇气打出来”,使古老的山水画艺术获得了新的生命。 他也强调作山水画要从无到有,从有到无,即从单纯到丰富,再由丰富归之于单纯。